Monday, May 5, 2014


1. Review the respiratory system
2. Respiratory/Circulatory Self Quiz

H.W. Fire up those old NEURONS with the following questions: (answer the following questions in complete sentences by incorporating the question in the answer)

1. What does semi-permeable (aka selectively permeable) mean? (refer to page 205)
2. What is the main function of proteins in the membrane (refer to page 205)?
3. What is the difference between active and passive transport? (refer to pages 208-213)
4. What is the difference between facilitated diffusion and transport involving a protein pump? (refer to pages 208-213)
5. Draw and label a neuron with the following: cell body, axon, dendrite, axon terminal and myelin sheath. Under each label, describe what that part does for the neuron. (refer to pages 896-897). Your neuron needs to be in COLOR and be at least 6 inches long.