1. Transformation LAB
(Absent? Or still confused about the lab? Go to this virtual lab: http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab6/intro.html )
H.W. Finish your lab hypotheses (see below) and start typing your formal lab report
Transformation Lab Hypotheses: You will have a total of 4 hypotheses.
•For the E. Coli in each petri dish say if you expect growing AND glowing. These are the contents of your four plates:
a.LB/Amp+ (luria broth, ampicillin, plasmid) – this is an experimental plate
b.LB/Amp- (luria broth, ampicillin, no plasmid) – this is a negative control
c.LB+ (luria broth, no ampicillin, plasmid) – this is a positive control
d.LB- (luria broth, no ampicillin, no plasmid) – this is a positive control
•Use an if….then….because statement for each one of the plates above.
For example:
•If the petri dish contains _____________ (ex. Luria broth and
Ampicillin) and the E.coli is given/not given (choose one) the plasmid,
then the E.coli will ___________ (grow and glow, grow and not glow, not
grow and not glow ect….) because ___________(insert something scientific here based on the background info)