1. W.U.: Circle up into your lab groups and discuss/share results of the homework
2. Notes: What kinds of cells disobey the rules of the cell cycle by growing and dividing uncontrollably?
(Finish your notes by analyzing the graph and watching these
News alerts! View the News Alert videos and use the information provided to identify what each video suggests is the cause of cancer and what evidence supports that claim) Here's a link to today's Cancer ppt.
H.W. To really understand how a disease happens, we must understand how the processes are supposed to be when they run normally. So do the following starting with the lecture first:
1. Bozeman Biology Lecture on Mitosis, Meiosis and the Cell Cycle (mostly mitosis)
2. Construct a working model of mitosis using the pipe cleaners that you were given in class. You should have a total of 4 pipe cleaner (2 pipe cleaners should be one color and 2 pipe cleaners should be another color)
Cut these pipe cleaner in half. Now you should have 4 pipe cleaners of 1 color and 4 pipe cleaners of one color. This will help you construct your model of mitosis of an organism with the chromosome number 2n=4. Your model must show what the pipe cleaner chromosomes do during each phase of the cell cycle: Interphase (G1, S, G2), and Mitosis (Prophase, Metaphse, Anaphase, Telophase and Cytokinesis)
Follow Mr. Anderson's model for help.