1. W.U. DNA and DNA Replication Self Quiz
2. Building DNA models- day 1
H.W. 23 and Me Assignment (due Tomorrow)
After considering the history of the discovery of the structure of DNA, we've come a long way...
Now, someone can pay $99 to get their DNA analyzed through a personal
DNA test. Mrs. Barro's and Mrs. Werdel's AP Biology classes spent a week looking in to the company,
23andMe (the company that does personal DNA testing for $99), to see
what the pros and cons of the test are and to see if they would take the
test themselves after their research. They had to create "padlet" pages
showing the pros and cons.
For your assignment, I want you to visit the AP Biology's padlet page and COMPLETE FOUR TASKS:
Period 3 and 4 use this padlet link:
Period 5 use this padlet link:
1.) I want you to watch the video I posted titled, "Nova Science Now: Personal DNA testing." You will see it on the top left of the padlet wall.
2.) THEN... pick any of 3 padlets to view from the wall. Choose any 3 that stand out or look interesting to you. ** Sometimes the padlet wall or resource you click on will not open; if this happens, click on the source button on the bottom left of your screen.
3. )Evaluate 3 padlets using the evaluation worksheet a the link below. The evaluation Worksheet will guide you through your research and evaluation of each of the three padlets you choose to see.
1. Write the name of the group - including group member names if they appear.
2. Write down what it was that attracted you to that particular padlet
3. Evaluate the padlet (based on entertainment, interest, validity of information, usefulness)
4. Write down 3 pros and 3 cons that you learned from that group's padlet.
Use this document to help you evaluate each padlet you choose: 23 and me Evaluation Worksheet
4) Lastly, take the poll: Would you do a personal
DNA test? See the padlet at the top middle of the wall. Choose yes or no
(After you have done your research on 3 padlets). Submit your
response. If you want to see what the results of the poll are so far,
click on "see previous responses."