1. W.U. All life is solar powered
2. Lab: How is Carbon Cycled?
H.W. Complete the Hypothesis and Design your data table for the lab results tomorrow:
In the "If... then..." column of the Hypothesis table on your worksheet:
For the "IF" part of your hypothesis: Draw and/or label with text the contents of each tube (For example: anacharis (elodea) + phenol red + light, anacharis (elodea) + phenol red + light + yeast or human C02, anacharis (elodea)+ phenol red + dark, anacharis (elodea) + phenol red + yeast or human C02 + dark).
For the "THEN" part of your hypothesis: shade over each test tube with the predicted color the solution will turn based on the presence or absence of C02. Red = low C02, Orange = medium C02, Yellow = a lot of C02.
In the "because" column of the Hypothesis table on your worksheet:
Explain in written text why you predicted the color you did. Consider what an autotroph needs to cycle carbon (we manipulated the variables of either having a heterotroph present or not and having light or not).
Data Table:
Include a title, a column for all four test tubes and their contents (written), a coloumn for the initial color of phenol RED, and a column for the final color of phenol red solution (you will record this tomorrow in class)