1. W.U. Cellular Respiration Self Quiz #2 (1.Without looking at your notes list the steps of glycolysis using arrows showing everything that goes into and leaves this process.
2.Why is a taxi cab a good analogy for the function of NAD+ (NADH) and FAD (FADH2)?
3.What do NADH and FADH2 carry and where do they carry them too?
4.Draw out the steps of pyruvate being converted to acetyl-coA.)
2. Notes: Review Kreb Cycle and Intro Electron transport chain
H.W. Read "The Mystery of the Seven Deaths: A case study in cellular respiration" and do the following while you read for each section:
Part I: Circle any similarities between the 7 people and underline the evidence suggesting the deaths are connected.
Part II and III: For each metabolite in the table, describe its role in cellular respiration. Then, highlight or put a star by any abnormalities in the level of metabolite. Finally, develop a hypothesis about which pathway (glycolysis, krebs or ETC) may be affected.
and Start Side #2 of your C.R.A.P. brochure
(due Friday)