1. Go over Evolution of a Threatened or Endangered Species EVOLUTION Project and pick your organism
2. PBS: How does Evolution Work?
3. Notes: Descent with Modification
H.W. On your 16.3 Evo Notes II: in the 6 boxes draw your own pictures to represent the main principles of Natural Selection (PVOESHT). Use the 6th box to show the result of natural selection on your organism(s). Label the principles. You can use this as a brainstorming tool for your project or you can pick a different organism. Be descriptive and detailed.
AND Work on your Evolution of a Threatened or Endangered Species EVOLUTION Project - DUE 3/29 (No late work will be accepted for this project!)
Use the following link to help you research and complete your project: https://sites.google.com/a/hbuhsd.edu/fvhs-library/assignments/english/endangered-animals