1. So...did OJ do it?
2. Notes: Other applications of DNA fingerprinting and PCR
3. Results: LAB: The Crooked Cell Gel Electrophoresis Lab - Using gel electrophoresis to determine the genotypes of Ava's family
H.W. Finish the lab analysis questions: (do this directly on your answer sheet)
#1 = Accurate drawing of your gel results
#2 = Sickle Cell Anemia Geneotypes and Phenotypes for Ava’s Family Table
#3. Explain why the carriers genetic profile appeared the way it did.
#4. Using the lab results for Ava and Ava’s grandmother on her father’s side, determine Ava’s father’s genotype and phenotype for the sickle cell trait. Explain how you came to this conclusion.
#5. Identify and describe two other applications of gel electrophoresis.