2. Notes: Carbohydrates
3. Start: Sweet! A lab on carbohydrates (complete section #1, 2, 3 & 7)
H.W. Finish 3. from above AND Complete the following for the Carbohydrate section of your macromolecule info sheet: (this portion is due tomorrow)
- Label the molecular picture of glucose that you drew yesterday “Carbohydrate Monomer: Monosaccharide. Example: Glucose”
- Draw (& color) a molecular picture of starch. Label this picture “Carbohydrate Polymer- Polysaccharide. Example: Starch” (you can draw the picture from your notes, which is also in your book)
- List the elements that are found in all carbohydrates
- For
each of the following identify and draw a picture of the type of organisms that
produces the polysaccharide. Also write whether or not the polysaccharide is used for energy storage or structural support. (for example: you should title your first
picture “Starch”, draw an organism that
produces starch and then write that starch is used for energy storage)o Starcho Celluloseo Glycogeno Chitin